School Infrastructure

We help you to build quality school infrastructure! We offer these services to NGO’s, government schools, or aided schools planning to set up schools in rural India!

Concept and Plan

Do you have an idea to build a school in rural India? We will help you with choosing the right place, and create a master plan for the school. For a sample plan see the 3D Model Video.

School Design

We can help you to arrive at the right design and connect you to the best resources to design your school in India or abroad.

Build and Operate

End to end support in building your school, creating the standard operating procedures to run your school effectively.

Our Partners!

Schools for India, works with like minded organizations and individuals who are passionate about building quality schools in rural India. We work with architects and builders who believe in and practice sustainable architectural practices.


Suhasini, an architect based in Auroville, Pondy has designed the concept school for Schools for India. She has also designed our pilot project school in Darbhanga, Bihar.


Krithika is passionate about using traditional methods


Anu is an aspiring architect who creates innovative school designs!